Anna University Results Nov/Dec 2019/ Jan 2020- Ist, 3rd, 5th, 7th Sem UG,PG Exams

Anna University Results Nov/Dec 2019/ Jan 2020- Ist, 3rd, 5th, 7th Sem UG, PG Exams

Recent News on when will Anna University results for November/December 2019/ January 2020 examinations be announced for 1/3/5/7 Semester Current /Arrear for undergraduate/postgraduate students on website.

As of now, the examinations are ongoing for first, second and final year students, and the examinations for all students would be completed before Pongal 2020

According to the details/information being shared by news web portals, Anna University to be released  3rd  week January 2020, keep this page checked.

Anna University Results in Update 2019

Candidates who have appeared for the November/December 2019 ( Second, Third/Final year) and January 2020(First Semester) examinations would be able to check results in the month of January/February 2020. [show]

No.Events Semesters Date 
1.Anna University UG Result(Current)First, Third, Fifth, Seventh Sem.Jan 2020
2.Anna University PG Result (Current)Third, Fifth SemJan 2020
3.Anna University Distance ResultFirst, Third Sem.Jan 2020
4.Anna University Arrear ExamSecond, Fourth, Sixth, 8th SemJan 2020

More than 2.6 lacks students have appeared for the University examinations conducted across the state in 500+affiliated engineering colleges to Anna University.
The Exam Schedule for November/December Examinations was released in the month of September 2019, and many were asking if there’s any changes during the year.

The Results for November/December examinations gets published during the Ist week of February or in some rare case pushed to March Ist Week every year.

Dear students, but past few years have seen surprising events of Anna University publishing its results much earlier than what it usually.

In the year 2010, 2011, 2012  Anna University has taken more than 2 months to announce the result and the servers were not as powerful as how it is today.

Due to continuous backlash from students community, and colleges, Anna University somehow improved their infrastructure to smooth release exam results on its website.

Dear students, you have two options to check Anna University Results

Anna University Website  – portal

How to Check Anna University Results?

As mentioned here, there are two ways, students can check their semester examination results.

Anna University  Website coe1

Anna University Website coe2

Here check how to download undergraduate/postgraduate exam results through online ( Mobile/laptop)

  • Firstly, visit Anna University official Result page  Check here
  • Enter your Register Number/Date of Birth and click submit
  • Go to Results section on the page
  • View your recent Semester Results as published by Anna University.

Anna University Undergraduate Results

In Tamil Nadu, the number of candidates pursuing UG Programmes are always higher in numbers.

It is not only for Arts, Science and other degree programmes but also for engineering degree courses.

Anna University has undergraduate programmes for Engineering B.E/ B.Tech

A majority pursue B.E programmes, the number of programmes under B.Tech is very less compared to B.E.

Many colleges have cancelled many B.Tech programmes, for example, B.Tech IT and it is not being offered.

Those who pursue undergraduate B.E Programmes have a total of eight semesters to complete in 4 years.

One would face 2-semester examinations every year  Bi-Semester Pattern. Each semester has six subjects for Theory examinations 3-4 subjects for Practical exam.

Semester examinations are conducted in April/May & November/December months as Even and Odd Semesters.


  • Second Semester
  • Fourth Semester
  • Sixth Semester
  • Eighth Semester


  • First Semester
  • Third Semester
  • Fifth Semester
  • Seventh Semester

As soon as the examinations are conducted for April/May & Nove/December the results would be declared within 30-45 days after completion of examinations.

For those who could not clear the recent semester would get a chance to reappear in next semester examinations, so every result publish would allow students to check your current plus arrear examination results.

Which Semester Exam Results can I Check/Download in November/December Examinations?

If the students have appeared for November/December 2019 and January 2020, you would be able to check the following semester result. 

  1. First Semester Results
  2. Third Semester Results
  3. Fifth Semester Results
  4. Seventh Semester Result

Which Semester Exam Results Can I Check in April/May Examinations?

  1. Second Semester Result
  2. Fourth Semester Result
  3. Sixth Semester Result
  4. Eighth Semester Result

If you have completed November/December Examinations, you will be able to check/Download Odd Semester examination results in the month of January/February 2020.

Anna University Postgraduate Results 2019

Through the number of students pursuing postgraduate is not as high as undergraduate courses, still, a lot of students have been showing interests in taking up ME/M.Tech Programmes.

Here the Semester Examination Pattern is the same as the undergraduate but for two years.

There are total four semesters a postgraduate student would need to complete and the last semester is full of Practical.

What are various postgraduate programmes to get November/December  Exam Results?

  1. Anna University M.E Result
  2. Anna University  M.Tech Result
  3. Anna University MBA Result
  4. Anna University M.Arch Result
  5. Anna University B.Arch Result

Official Website:

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