Assam Police Hall Ticket 2018, Assam Police Constable admit card, Check PET/PST Exam dates, Assam Police Constable Exam pattern, Physical standard, and Efficiency Test criteria, Download Assam Police Call Letter/ admit card at http://assampolice.gov.in/.
Assam Police Constable Hall Ticket
It is very good news for all those applicants who are participating in constable examination. The police department is filling total 5494 constable jobs in an unarmed branch of district executive force and armed branch. Job seekers should know that the date and venue of Physical Standard/Physical Efficiency exam and written exam will be intimated in due programs of time by email, SMS, and other means.
The Police department first conducts the Physical Standard test. Candidates may download Assam Poice constable admit card using required credentials such as roll number/registration ID and date of birth. Qualified in PST applicants will be called for Physical Efficiency test and after that written exam will be held for eligible applicants. More information about Assam Police Hall Ticket is given here.
Assam Police Hall Ticket 2018, Assam Police Constable PET/PST Exam Dates
Here are total 6494 jobs available for constable posts in Assam Police Department. Out of 5494 jobs, 1851 vacant position of constable of the unarmed branch of district executive force and 3643 posts of constable of Armed branch. Final selection will be completed via various Assam Police Constable Recruitment phases. Job fighters have to undergo physical standard test /physical efficiency test, medical test and written exam. To allow in the exam hall, applicants will need for Assam Police Hall ticket for constable PST/PET Test. Department will release it before ten days of the examination. Contenders stay tuned her and get Assam Police Constable PST/PET hall ticket form below.
Recruitment details of Assam Police year 2018
Name of Examination | Assam Police Constable Competitive Exam 2018 |
Name of the Organization | Assam Police Department |
Name of Posts | Constable |
Number of vacancies | 5494 |
Exam Mode | Online |
Category | Assam Police Admit Card |
Official Website | www.assampolice.gov.in |
Vacancies details of Assam Police:
Unarmed Branch of Executive Force (DEF) | 1851 |
Armed Branch | 3643 |
Assam Police Constable Exam Dates
Assam Police Apply Online Starting Date | 2 May 2018 |
Assam Police Application form last date | 2 June 2018 |
Assam Police Hall Ticket Releasing Date | 10-15 days before the examination |
Assam Police 2018 Exam Date | Update soon |
Assam Police 2018 Result date | Update soon |
Assam Police Constable Selection Process
Phase I | Physical Standard Test (PST) |
Phase II | Physical Efficiency Test (PET) |
Phase III | Written Exam |
Assam Police Constable Admit Card details 2018
The hall ticket is an important document to carry at the exam center. Without having it, applicants will not be allowed in written examination hall. It is mandatory to bring the permission letter for all examiners. Because exam invigilator verifies the applicant’s availability. The Call Letter provides and shows useful detail about the contenders and examination. Using this, job fighters may collect the information such as exam day, and date, paper pattern, venue and address of exam center and gender, name roll number , date of birth, and other information of the applicants.
- Examiner Name
- Father’s Name
- Gender (Male/Female)
- Date of Birth
- Registration Number
- Space for Invigilator’s signature
- Instructions to follow during the written exam
- Space for candidate’s Signature
- Candidate’s Photograph
- Exam Center Code and Test venue
- Date and Day of Exam
Download Assam Police PST PET Test Call Letter
Download Assam Police Hall ticket/Call Letter 2018- Document Required
An applicant whose application is found to be in order will be called for physical standard test/ physical efficiency test. Applicants will be able to download the hall ticket/call letter from the Assam Police website by entering their ID Number. The details will also be sent through SMS and email to the applicants on their mobile numbers and email address. Applicants also required carrying one original Identity proof along with Assam Police Hall ticket 2018.
- Voter ID card
- College ID Card
- Driving License
- passport
- Bank Passbook
- Ration Card
- PAN Card
- Ration Card
- Any valid ID Proof released by Gazetted Officer
Assam Police Constable Selection Process
Candidates whose applications are found correct in all respect will have to undergo the PST and PET. After qualifying PST/PET, eligible participating will be called for written exam. The selection will be made on qualify followings recruitment phases.
- Security of Document: Before PST/PET
- Physical Standard Test : It will carry no marks
- Written exam : 50 marks
- Physical Efficiency Test : 40 marks
NOTE: Security of Documents— All the original documents along with a set of photostat copies of documents will be checked before the applicant is allowed to appear in the PST & PET as per the given eligibility criteria.
Assam Police Constable PET/PST Exam Pattern
Physical Standard Test
After the documents are found correct, the applicants will have to appear in the PST (Physical Standard Test). It will carry no marks. Measurement of the height, weight and chest ( Only for Male candidate) will be done using latest technology.
Height (Min.) | Male | Female |
Gen/OBC/MOBC/SC | 162.56 cms | 154.94 cms |
ST (H)/ST (P) | 160.2 cms | 152.40 cms |
Chest (Only for Men) | Normal | Expanded |
Gen/OBC/MOBC/SC/ST (P) | 80 cms | 85 cms |
ST (H) | 78 cms | 83 cms |
Physical Efficiency Test- 40 Marks:
Candidates, who clear PST, will be required to undergo PET. The PET consists of the following:
The Physical Efficiency Test will carry 40 marks. It will have two events.
- Race: Those who qualify in the PST will be subjected to 3.2 km race to be completed within 14 minutes ( 840 seconds)
- Long Jump: Minimum 335 cms for long jump ( 3 chances to be given and the longest valid jump rounded off to the nearest cms will be considered for awarding marks).
- Race: Those who qualify in the PST will be subjected to 1600 meters. Race to be completed within 08 minutes.
- Long Jump: Minimum 244 cms for long jump ( three chances to be given and the longest valid jump rounded off to the nearest cms will be considered for awarding marks).
Assam Police Constable Exam Pattern
Assam Police written exam will consist of hundred multiple choice type questions to be answered on an OMR answer sheet. for every correct answer, the applicant will get half a mark. Questions will be of the level of class IX and X. total marks for the written exam will be 50. there will be no negative marking. The written exam will be conducted throughout the state on one day at each district Headquarters. Date of the written exam will be notified in due course.