AWES APS PRT, TGT, PGT Result 2022 – Check Cut off marks and Merit List at official website which is

Minimum Qualifying Marks for AWES Army Public School Exam
The minimum qualifying marks are necessary for the applicants to qualify for a particular selection stage. The Army Welfare Education Society has made it mandatory for the applicants to secure a minimum of 50% marks to qualify for each part of the screening test for the PRG, PGT, TGT Recruitment process. is helping more than 14 lakh applicants in their government jobs preparation. This is happening just because of the well curated course and mock tests. Our contenders love it and recommend the pass to their friends claim your pass now by subscribing to test book or download now.
Army Welfare Education Society APS PRT TGT PGT Result 2022
We have informed that the AWES Authority ready to release APS Teacher Result 2022 for Postgraduate Teacher, Trained Graduate Teacher, Primary Teacher on 28th February 2022. Contenders who are finding their AWES Teacher cut off marks through online. They can get it from here. The department releases AWES Army Public School Result 2022. We have update it on this page. The Army Welfare Education Society (AWES) release Army Public School Primary Teacher, Trained Graduate Teacher, Post Graduate Teacher Result 2022 on time. Authority successfully conducted examination for PRT TGT PGT on 19th and 20th February 2022. The Recruitment Department release APS Result 2022 PRT TGT PGT. Candidates visit the official website or our page on regularly basis for latest updates.
Army Public School CSB PRT, TGT, PGT Results 2022 Download
The Army Public School Society conduct online examination for Teachers Recruitment. Various students have enroll in this examination. Now all are curious to know Army Public School PRT TGT PGT Results 2022. AWES CSB upload the AWES Army Public School Result 2022 on 28th February 2022. Applicants have to wait until official declaration of result date. For more information have to visit official website to check the Results.
Army Public School cut Off marks 2022 for PRT TGT PGT Teacher
Applicants can check the Cut off for Primary Teacher, Trained Graduate Teacher, Post Graduate Teacher of the Army Public School Examination for Session 2022. The Primary Teacher Exam was 90 marks and TGT PGT examination was 180 marks, but scores were normalized to hundred marks and the final cut off is derived. It is important to note that cut off is different for each category and according to the level of the examination.
Category Name | PRT Marks | TGT Marks | PGT Marks |
General | 52-55 | 50-55 | 51-54 |
IOBC | 43-47 | 45-49 | 44-48 |
SC | 35-38 | 35-39 | 35-38 |
ST | 30-34 | 33-36 | 31-33 |
आर्मी वेलफेयर शिक्षा समिति ने टीजीटी, पीजीटी और पीआरटी अध्यापको को 8700 पदों पर परीक्षा ऑनलाइन सम्पन्न की है | अब समिति आर्मी पब्लिक स्कूल टीजीटी, पीजीटी और पीआरटी अध्यापको के परिणाम की घोषणा करनी है, आप यहां से अपना रिजल्ट और कट ऑफ मार्क्स भी चेक कर सकते है | यदि आप को ज्यादा जानकारी प्राप्त करनी है तो हमारे साथ बने रहें |
Army Public School AWES PRT TGT PGT Teacher Result 2022 – Details
Name of the Department | Army Welfare Education Society |
Known As | AWES |
Name of Examination | Army Public School Teacher Exam |
Name of the Posts | PRT, TGT & PGT Teacher |
Vacant Positions of Vacancies | 8700 Posts |
Category | Results |
Result Status | Available on 28th February 2022 |
Official Website | |
AWES APS PRT, TGT & PGT Selection Process
Candidates selection will be depend on written examination/ Personal Interview and document Verification. The department had provided that they will be testing both i.e. educational status as well as physical status.
- Written Exam.
- Personal Interview.
- Document Verification
Army Public School PGT TGT PRT Cut off Marks 2022
The Cutoff Marks will be depend on exam paper level. The AWES selected candidates on the Army Public School Cut off 2022 General OBC SC ST. AWES PGT TGT PRT Cut off Marks release along with PGT TGT PRT Result. We have provide below link of AWES Teacher Cut off 2022. Therefore aspirants who are searching the Army Public School Result can click on given link. Those who have get these marks elected for next round. Candidates strength also affects cut off marks.
Army Public School CSB Result 2022 Download
After the successful completion of the Stage I online test, applicants who qualify in stage I Exam will selected for further rounds i.e Stage II interview process and stage III Evaluation of Teaching skills and computer proficiency. Eligible applicants are selected as a teacher as per the AWES rules and reservation policy.
There is 3 stages for the selection which is given here.
Stage 1- Screening exam. An online screening test will be conducted very soon, for vacancies that will arise during the ensuing academic year.
Stage 2- Interview– The respective schools shall declare vacancies available through various means like Local News papers. School’s Website, notice board etc.
Stage 3- Evaluation of Teaching Skills and Computer Proficiency- For Language teachers, written exam comprising essay and Comprehension of 15 marks each will be held along with evaluation of teaching skills, selection committee may also hold computer proficiency tests if they so desire.
To check the AWES Teacher Result, Candidates can follow the link and instructions given in this article.
- First of all, go to the official website given in this article.
- Click on the result tab and fill the required details in given columns.
- After entering the details, click on the show result link.
- On your system screen AWES Army Public School PRT PGT TGT Results 2022 would be displayed
- Finally, save the result and take a hard copy of it.