GGTU B.Com Ist, 2nd & 3rd Year Timetable 2022 Private and Regular Students
GGTU B.Com Exam Routine 2022 Ist year, 2nd year, the final year
GGTU BCom date sheet 2020, GGTU Banswara has issued BCom part 1, 2, 3 private and regular exam scheme 2022, Check out GGTU undergraduate timetable 2022 for each branch i.e. Bachelor of Commerce first year, second year and third-year exam schedule subject wise 2020 at
ताज़ा समाचार – गोविन्द गुरु जनजातीय यूनिवर्सिटी बांसवाड़ा द्वारा अंडरग्रेजुएट परीक्षा 2022 ( बीकॉम प्रथम और द्वितीय वर्ष)की समय सारिणी जारी कर दी गई है, छात्र एवम छात्राएं ऑफिसियल वेबसाइट के अंतिम पैराग्राफ में दिए गए लिंक से समय सारिणी देख सकते है|
Govind Guru Tribal University, Banswara is going to conduct bachelor and master courses from March/April 2022. Students are looking for GGTU Banswara Bcom part first, second and final year time table 2022 for own branch and course. We are publishing complete details and pdf files of the exam scheme for all programmes. Students may also visit the official web portal for the same
GGTU Banswara part I, II, III Year B.Com Time Table 2022
Govind Guru Tribal University, Banswara is the one the new University of Rajasthan state. Thousands of candidates are studying in various programmes. Students want to know the exact exam timetable for session 2022. The university has various programmes under the undergraduate, postgraduate, diploma, degree and professional categories. We will try to upload each programme and each year Govind Guru Tribal University date sheet 2022 with the pdf file.
GGTU BCom First Year Time Table 2022
The main programmes of GGTU Banswara are BA, BSC ( Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Botany), B.Com B.Ed, M.Com (ABST, Business Administration, EAFM, and financial analysis and control), MA (Hindi, History, Political Science, English, Economics, Urdu, Sanskrit, Social Science), M.Sc ( Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics), MBA (Summer Training Project Repor, Business Policy and Strategic Management), MCA, BCA, BBA, B.Tech, M.Tech, Mass Communication, Diploma etc. More than two hundred colleges are affiliated with GGTU. These colleges are running undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, but the exam will be held by MDSU few homoeopathy colleges are also affiliated.

जीजीटीयू बांसवाड़ा बीकॉम बीकॉम प्रथम और द्वितीय वर्ष टाइम टेबल 2022
गोविन्द गुरु जनजातीय यूनिवर्सिटी (जीजीटीयू) बांसवाड़ा बीकॉम प्रथम और द्वितीय (रेगुलर और प्राइवेट ) की परीक्षा फ़रवरी/ मार्च 2022 मे होने की संभावना है, जिन उम्मीदवारों ने बीकॉम प्रथम और द्वितीय वर्ष (प्राइवेट और रेगुलर) की परीक्षा के लिए आवेदन किया था, वे नीचे दिए गये लिंक से समय सारिणी डाउनलोड कर सकते है, जी जी टी यू ने अभी तक टाइम टेबल जारी नही किया है| प्रिय मित्रो समय सारिणी जारी करने कस बाद आपको लिंक उपलब्ध करवा दिया जाएगा, गोविन्द गुरु जनजातीय यूनिवर्सिटी विभिन्न प्रकार के पाठ्यक्रमो का संचालन करती है जैसे बीए, बीएससी, बीकॉम, बीएड, बीबीए, बीसीए और एमए, एमएससी, एमकॉम, एमबीए, एमएड, एमसीए आदि? गोविन्द गुरु जनजातीय यूनिवर्सिटी (जीजीटीयू) बांसवाड़ा की सत्र 2022 की परीक्षा मार्च माह मे शुरू होने की संभावना है|
Govind Guru Tribal University BCOM Part प्रथम और द्वितीय Time Table 2022
It is the most popular programme in the undergraduate level. If we compare branch wise students or graduates than BCom first and second year ( private and regular) will on top of the list. stands for Bachelor of Commerce, Govind Guru Tribal University, Banswara students want to know B.Com timetable. University will issue pdf file for GGTU Banswara B.Com Part first, second-year date sheet 2022.
When the students are searching for a subject or specialization exam date, then it will very easy to make the study plan. You can view Bachelor of Commerce first year and second year ( private and regular students) exam scheme on the official website i.e.
Name of the University | Govind Guru Tribal University (GGTU), Banswara |
Name of the Course | Bachelor of Commerce (BCOM) |
Name of the Examination | Ist year, 2nd year, 3rd year |
Date of Examination | February/March 2020 |
Official Web portal | |
GGTU Banswara BCOM First & Second Year Date Sheet 2022 (Regular & Private)
It is a Bachelor of Commerce programme. B.Com is well known as Bachelor of Commerce. University will conduct the B.Com Ist year 2022 exam from March to June month. It is the expected date not sure. Govind Guru Tribal University Banswara has more than 300 Commerce Colleges.
It is difficult to manage a large scale level examination and date sheet. So GGTU Banswara will take to prepare and schedule B.Com Part I, (Private and Regular) examination for all years BCom Ist and second year. After the Date sheet release, you can manage your own study time according to subject wise exams.
GGTU BCOM Ist & 2nd Year Exam Schedule 2022 (Practical Exam)
Govind Guru Tribal University, Banswara was established in 2017 and B.Com stream was started later. For the Commerce students, there are two exam scheme, i.e. B.Com Ist year exam date sheet and Ist and 2nd year ( Regular and Private) Practical timetable. Science Department of GGTU Banswara will upload both level timetable pdf file separately.
Most of the time, GGTU Banswara B.Com first and the second year practical exam conducts first then department conduct the main written exam. This prediction is based only on B.Com exam scheme. It may be changed so the student should take the review of the new format.
How to download/check GGTU Banswara B.CoM Part I, II, III Date sheet 2022?
- Fir of all, process to download GGTU Banswara, B.Com Ist and 2nd-year timetable is given here. After the release of timetable, students can follow these steps.
- The first step is the check out the availability of your stream date sheet.
- If yes then go to the official website of GGTU, Banswara or click on the direct download link web page.
- Students should select stream and year before download university date sheet pdf
- Click on your branch date sheet file and open in new tab.
- Next step, now you can save the pdf file on your mobile or pc.
- Take a print out which will help to make the study plan.