GJU Results 2022 B.Ed BA MA BSC BCOM BDS Ist/ 2nd/ 3rd/ 4th./ 5th/ 6th/7th/8th Sem Result Gjust.ac.in
Guru Jambeshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar Results 2022

Guru Jambeshwar University, Hisar – An Overview
Name of the University | Guru Jambeshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar (GJUST) |
Name of the Examinations | Undergraduate & Postgraduate Exams |
Category | Results |
Academic Session | 2021-2022 |
Location | Hisar (Haryana) |
Courses offered by University | UG, PG, Diploma, Distance Education programs and other courses |
Established Year | 1995 |
Result Status | Available soon |
Mode | Online |
Official Website | www.gjust.ac.in |
Www.gjust.ac.in UG/PG Results 2022
Students who are studying under the GJUST Hisar here comes great news. We are glad to inform you that semester examination results are released by the Guru Jambeshwar University of Science and Technology officially on the web portal. Students those who are in search of the GJU Hisar Results in 2022 can check out on our www.sikkimuniversity.in web page. All the updates examination results as soon as released on the official website given below. Visit the entire article to get the recent updated Guru Jambeshwar University Results in 2022.
About Guru Jambheshwar University Science & Technology, Hisar
The Guru Jambeshwar University of Science & Technology founded in the year 1995 is a non-profit public Higher Education Institution. It is situated within the urban setting of the little town of Hisar in Haryana state. Guru Jambeshwar University is officially accredited or recognized by the University Grants Commission. The Guru Jambeshwar University of Science & Technology is a small co-educational teaching institution. GJU Hisar offers programs and programs leading to officially recognized Higher Education degrees like Bachelor Degrees, Master Degrees in many areas of study. This twenty-four-year-old higher education institution has a selective admission policy based on entrance examinations. International students can also apply for enrollment for this university.
Supplementary/Regular UG/PG Results of GJU Hisar
Here the Guru Jambeshwar University of Science and Technology, Hisar gives a second chance for the students to pass in their semester examinations. Students should apply for the Revaluation with certain norms given by the university. Once they applied for the examination, the Higher level examiner will recheck the paper. Within a particular interval of students can get the revaluation results. Still scored low marks then the supplementary examination will help students. For each and every semester students can apply for the revaluation after the announcement of the main examination results. Guru Jambeshwar University of Science and Technology will take a week or more to process the exam papers. Stay updated with the GJU to know about the GJU Hisar Revaluation Results.
How to Check/Download Guru Jambeshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar UG/PG Annual/Semester Results 2022?
- First of all, students visit the main official website of GJUST i.e. www.gjust.ac.in.
- On the home page, students will find the examination tab and click on the Results section.
- Your result page will open up with various results here.
- Select for the department students have written your examination
- Then select the Semester Exam and a new tab will take you to the PDF link.
- Students can check their examination Results from the displayed PDF
- Finally, download /take a print out of the Results for future use.
GJUST Results 2022
Official Website: www.gjust.ac.in