JCECEB B.Ed Merit List 2021 PDF www.jceceb.jhharkhand.gov.in
JCECEB B.Ed Merit LIst 2021 PDF
Jharkhand Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board/ Jharkhand B. Ed first year admission 2021-2022 merit list available shortly at https://jceceb.jharkhand.gov.in/Default.aspx/. Candidate Name, father’s name, percentile/grades percentage & CML rank will be mentioned in the Merit List. The expected date of JCECEB B. Ed Merit List 2021 PDF is October 09, 2021. Merit List pdf link and further updates will be updated here.
Www.jceceb.jharkjhand.gov.in B.Ed Merit List 2021 Date – An Overview
Name of the Committee | Jharkhand Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board(JCECEB) |
Location | Jharkhand |
Admission Courses | Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) Ist year Admission |
Academic Session | 2021-2022 |
Submission of Online Registration Start | 07th September 2021 |
Submission of Online Registration Closing Date | 27th September 2021 |
Official Website | https://jceceb.jharkhand.gov.in/Default.aspx |
Merit List | Soon(9th Oct 2021 ) expected |
B.Ed Merit List Check Here | Click here(Available Shortly) |
Category | B.Ed Merit List |
JCECEB B. Ed Counseling Fees:
General/EWS/BC -1 /BC-2 | Rs. 400/- |
SC/ ST /Female Applicants of all categories | Rs. 250/- |
Counseling Fees Payment Mode-
Counseling Fees can be paid through Credit Card/Debit Card /Net Banking/ UPI. The counseling fees is non refundable.
JCECEB B.Ed Counseling Schedule
Publication of Provisional Merit List | October 2021 |
Objection of Provisional Merit List | October 2021 |
Publication of Final Merit List | October 2021 |
Starting Date of Online Registration and Choice filling for Seat Allotment | October 2021 |
Issue of Provisional Seat Allotment Letter | October 2021 |
Document Verification & Admission In Concern Institute | October 2021 |
JCECEB B.Ed Counselling Process:
Many applicants gave the entrance examination of JCECEB B. Ed but only those applicants who successfully clear the entrance exam will call for the JCECEB Counseling process. Counseling process will be based on the merit list/ rank card. JCECEB will provide the Computerized distribution parallel /online counselling.
JCECEB Counseling will be conducted in 2 rounds
- Only those applicants who successfully clear the entrance exam will call for the counseling process. Applicants can check the details of counseling related date, time and place through the Jharkhand State news paper and also from the JCECEB website. After successfully analyses the original documents/certificates and identity applicants will be allowed to choose the Institute and course/stream on the basis of merit list at the time of counseling.
- If the seats are remain after first round then the board will conduct the second round also those applicants who already selected in first round can apply in second round for change the course/stream. The procedure will be same as first round of counseling.
- Helpdesk Email ID : helpjceceb@gmail.com
- Helpdesk Mobile No : 9071123425
How to Download/Check JCECEB B. Ed Merit List 2021 PDF?
- Firstly, open the JCECEB Portal https://jceceb.jharkhand.gov.in/Default.aspx
- On the home page click on B. Ed first year admission 2021-2022 merit list.
- Download the merit list pdf file.
- Open the merit list
- Check the name, CMIL Rank, Percentile/ Grades Percentile
- Finally, take a print out for future use.
JCECEB B.Ed Official Website: www.jceceb.jharkhand.gov.in