Kanpur University B.Com Ist, 2nd, 3rd Time Table 2020, CSJM B.Com part I, II, III Exam Schedule
CSJM Bachelor of Commerce Time Table 2020 can be download on the same page. If you are searching current information about Kanpur University B.Com exam date sheet first year, the second year, final year then you are at accurate place. all the students can get detailed information about CSJM University Kanpur B.Com exam schedule. The Kanpur University B.Com exam timetable will be released by Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj university on the main web portal which is www.kanpuruniversity.org.
CSJM B.Com exam Routine 2020
Hello, students, if you are searching Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University CSJM B.Com date sheet 2019, welcome at this website. You can easily check the Kanpur University B.Com exam routine. all those students who are going to attend this examination can able to download the exam scheme for the examination. Date sheet of Kanpur University B.Sc exam will be available to download before one or one and a half months from the date of written examination. As per information, the department of Kanpur University will conduct the written examination in upcoming months for regular and private students. The Kanpur University b.com schedule will be declared as soon as on the official web page. The date sheet is very important for each and every examination. You can make a proper study plan with the date sheet. CSJM B.com date sheet 2020 will available here for downloading.
Kanpur University B.Com Exam Schedule 2020
Kanpur University will conduct a B.Com examination in the month of March & April. SO CSJM University exam scheme will release in the month of January. It is also known as Kanpur University. Candidates can also search for the CSJM B.Com date sheet 2020. The Kanpur University will issue B.Com part First, Second, Third exam schedule for both regular and private students. We advised all students that if they want to get higher marks and percentage in the written examination then start their revision work without the wait of CSJM B.Com 1, 2, 3-year scheme 2020. Candidates who want to appear in written examination have to submit their examination form. Without exam form, students will not allow entering in the examination center. Students can able to download their CSJM University B.Com exam date 2020 from this web page.
Office Order of Scheme of Regular / Private / Single Subject Exam.2019.
B.Sc. Biotech.
B.Com – I
B.Com – II
B.Com – III
BSc – I
BSc – II
MA – I, II
M.Com. – I
M.Com. – II
M.A., M.Sc.
M.Sc.(Ag) – I, II
CSJM B.Com Exam Scheme 2020
CSJMU B.Com First, Second, Final Year Scheme 2020
CSJM University is a public state university. Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University is also known as CSJM University. It is a very famous and popular university. Kanpur University was founded in the year 1966. The university is located at Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh in India. It is administered under the state legislature of the government of UP. It is one of the largest universities of Asia catering to urban and rural students offering professional and academic courses in disciplines of Art, Commerce, Science, law, engineering, biotechnology, computer applications, management, and medicine. Regular and private students can check and download their CSJM B.Com date sheet 2019 and the latest information from the main web portal. Now students can check and download Kanpur University B.Com Final Year scheme 2019 from the official web page.
CSJM Kanpur B.Com 1st, 2nd, 3rd Year Exam Scheme 2020
The Kanpur University will soon release the B.Com Part I, II, III date sheet on the official website. All students advised stay connected with this page we are providing latest updates of Kanpur University B.Com previous year and final year date sheet. We are going some step wise step process to download the CSJM B.Com date sheet 2019. As per official news, the Kanpur University will release the CSjM University B.Com Ist, 2nd, 3rd-year exam schedule in the third week of February month. All regular and private students will be very soon able to download the Kanpur University scheme 2020 from below provided link below. The University will upload the CSJM B.Com exam schedule on the official website to get the B.Com date sheet.
Kanpur University is ready to issue the B.Com exam timetable. All students who are going to appear in the B.com annual examination. they can able to download CSJM University B.Com exam scheme 2020 pdf from here provided link. According to official information, the CSJM University B.Com examination will be held in the month of March/April.
How to download/check Kanpur University B.Com exam timetable 2020?
- Firstly, visit the official website of the university
- After visiting the homepage you have to press a suitable link.
- A new page of programs/schemes will display on the computer/laptop/mobile screen.
- Select the course accordingly and can download the exam scheme.
- At last, take the print out of the exam timetable/schedule for future use.