Pondicherry University B.Tech 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8 ODD/EVEN Semester Result 2018
Pondicherry University B.Tech, MBA, MCA, ME, BE Result 2018
The Pondicherry University has conducted all B.Tech Odd and Even Semester examinations 2018 in the month of May/June and November/December for the undergraduate and postgraduate year 2018. The students who have appeared in the semester examinations for Ist, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, & 8th semesters examinations are eagerly waiting for the results to be announced. The results from Pondicherry University will be available for both undergraduate ( B.E, B.Tech) and Postgraduate (MCA, MBA, ME) in the month of May June July and November/December. By using the roll code/ roll number, candidates need to check the Pondicherry University B.Tech all semester results in 2018. From here, you can check the B.Tech Semester 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8 Results 2018 declaration dates, download process of the exam result, supply exam dates, revaluation dates etc.
Pondicherry University Semester Results 2018
It has been declared by the Pondicherry University that compared to last year examination results, first, second, third/final year results will be announced very soon. Pondicherry University didn’t release any exact date and exact tie of its Odd semester examinations conducted recently. The Candidates who are searching for the Pondicherry University B.Tech Semesters results will be announced soon on the main official website. Students can need to stay on this main portal.
Pondicherry University B.Tech Part I, II, III Year, Ist, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th Sem Results in 2018
Name of the Organization | Pondicherry University |
Name of the Examination | PU B.Tech Semesters Examinations |
Name of the courses | B.Tech Courses |
Semesters | 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 Semesters |
Location | Pondicherry city |
Category | Results |
Date of Examination | May June and November December |
Results Declaration | Available now |
Official Website | www.pondiuni.edu.in |
PU Exam/Results Important Dates:
Date of Pondicherry University B.Tech Semester 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8 | May June and November December 2018 |
The announcement of Results | Available Now |
Supply Exam Dates | Update Soon |
To get the regular updates about Pondicherry University exam results 2018 students can log on to the official website. The written exam conducted by Pondicherry University for the Part first, second and final year in May June and November December. The result will be available for the all departments like CSE, IT, Mechanical, EEE, ECE, Civil, Automobile, Aeronautical etc.
Pondicherry University B.Tech result 2018 download 1`/2/3/4/5/6/7/8 Sem Result
The candidates attended for the semesters’ exam in the month of May June and November December are waiting for the Pondicherry University B.Tech Semester Ist result 2018. The organization has released the Pondicherry University B.Tech 3rd sem result 2018 in the month of February 2018 on its own website. Here we are providing some steps to download the B.Tech result 2018 Pondicherry University from the official website. By using the same steps can easily download the Pondicherry University Semester Result 2018. Interested students can follow the mentioned steps.
How to check/download Pondicherry University Result 2018 UG/PG Exams?
- First of all, students have to visit the official website of the university.
- The official web portal is www.pondiuni.edu.in.
- Select the semester for which who have appeared.
- Then enter your registration number and click submit.
- Students have to enter the registration number which was sent to you on your mobile number or your email id after the submission of your application form.
- Students can get their results and download it from the right place.
- Different official links are provided for the different regions
- Students can visit directly to the official website according to their region.